About TEAM


The purpose of the Transportation Engineers Association of Missouri shall be to advance the knowledge of transportation engineering and to provide a forum for the continued education of and communication among all parties dedicated to promoting a quality transportation system that serves the public welfare of Missouri.


TEAM was originally known as the Highway Engineers Association of Missouri. The organization was created in the early 1900s and official bylaws for the organization were adopted on January 24, 1923. In 2003, to more accurately portray the various engineering disciplines that are involved with transportation in Missouri, the organization’s bylaws and name were changed by a vote of the general membership to Transportation Engineers Association of Missouri. The bylaws were revised in May 2023, please click here to see the latest version.

Governing Board

The governing board serves as the executive committee of the Association. The president, president-elect, two vice-presidents, immediate past president, executive secretary, three members appointed by the executive secretary, and a maximum of four members as nominated and approved by members of the board shall constitute the governing board of the Association. Please click here to see a list of the current governing board members.